Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht).. Germans anger of the assassination of a German official in Paris by a Jewish teen

On the night of November 9, 1938, he broke out aggression against Jews in various parts of the Reich. It all started as if he has not been planned, where the Germans launched the aggression because of the anger of the assassination of a German official in Paris by a Jewish teen. In fact, the information minister German Joseph Goebbels and other Nazi parties carefully organized massacres. During the two days, it was burned more than 250 synagogues were desecrated more than 7,000 Jewish businesses and seized and killed dozens of Jews were seized cemeteries, hospitals, schools and Jewish houses, while the security forces and fire brigades remained not move a finger. And I knew that massacres on behalf of Kristallnacht, the "Night of Broken Glass" because of cracking caused by glass windows and shops which scattered in the streets.
Were arrested 30,000 German Jewish man the day after the massacre morning, because of the "crime" of being Jews were sent to concentration camps, even Hundreds of them died there. As it has been the arrest of some Jewish women and sent to local jails. Not be allowed to re-open the Jewish-owned companies are not managed by people who are not Jews. A curfew was put on the Jews and determine the hours of the day where they can leave their homes.
And increased life difficult after the "Night of Broken Glass" on children and adolescents German and Austrian Jews. Jews already were prevented from entering museums, public parks and swimming pools were expelled at the same time from public schools. It was young Jews isolate, similar to the treatment of their parents, totally unarmed community for Germany. In a moment of desperation, many Jewish adults to commit suicide. I tried many families desperate to leave the country of their status.
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