North split into two blocs in the Cold War.. extremist leaders who do not believe in co-existence between the two has the capitalist Harry Truman and Soviet Stalin

Split the world into two blocs developed North and the conflict could due to several reasons, including:
1. sectarian disharmony between capitalism and socialism.
2. privately the United States and the Soviet Union and international leadership.
3. United States out of political isolation and adopted the idea of ​​the defense of the capitalist doctrine.
4. The spread of Soviet communism principles outside the geographical scope during the Second World War, especially in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
5. The existence of extremist leaders who do not believe in coexistence between the two sects (Harry Truman and Soviet capitalist Stalin). 6. feet of the United States of America on the use of corn deadly weapon against Japan at the end of World War II.
7. continuation of the caste system in the capitalist world.
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