Stay visa application lost visa in Saudi Arabia:
1- inform the competent authority passports or police in the places where there is no passport management for the loss of residence permit.
2- Bring a letter from the employer or the head of the family Resident Director of Passport Department, explaining the reasons for the loss of the place of residence and who lost the license.
3- Bring a passport newcomer beneficiary of accommodation "valid" with a picture of the lost residence permit, if any.
4- fill in a special form of loss and is located at the Passport Department.
5- Fill the Alnmuj Basaddarr_khash accommodation.. and matching information to the reality as it is written in the passport .. and sign the form and stamped by the employer.
6- If the remaining term of the lost year or less than one year of residence Visdd subsistence fee for one year (SR 500) in one of the branches of banks authorized to do so.
7- bring the number (2 photos) color or modern solar size (4 × 6).
8- pay a fine of loss of residence permit fees (SR 1000).
9- Registration required footprint.
- After the completion of the required paperwork and submit the application the applicant shall review the Passport Department submitted the following day to receive a residence permit.
Saudi Immigration