The Nuremberg Race Laws.. exception of German Jews from Reich citizenship and the prohibition to marry them or to engage in a sexual relationship with the people of Germany

Place in the party's annual meeting in Nuremberg in 1935, the Nazis for new laws that established many of the dominant theories on Nazi racist ideology announced. And it excludes these laws German Jews from Reich citizenship and deny them to marry or engage in sexual relations with persons of "German or with affiliates of this blood." And stripped local laws that have been added to the Jewish laws of the legitimate rights and deprived them of most political rights.
It did not specify the Nuremberg laws, as defined later, "Jew" as someone with particular religious beliefs. Instead, any person belonging to three or four Jewish grandparents identifies as a Jew, regardless of whether the individual says of himself that he was Jewish or not or affiliated to the Jewish religion, community or not. And he found many of the Germans who did not practice Judaism for years themselves in the grip of Nazi terror. Even individuals who belong to the ancestors of the Jews and converts to Christianity were to determine that they are Jews.
After the issuance of the Nuremberg laws shortly, and in the following weeks and during the Olympic Games held in 1936 in Berlin, the Nazi regime of anti-Jewish attacks eased so that ruled out some signals that indicate "Jews not welcome here" from public places. Hitler did not want to draw international criticism of his government resulting in conversion of the games to another State. This loss may be a serious blow to the prestige of Germany.
After the Olympic Games (in which the Nazis did not allow the participation of German Jews athletes), the Nazis returned again to the persecution of German Jews. In 1937 and 1938, the government wanted to impoverish the Jews, through their demand for registration of their property, and then "the transfer of such property to the people Arjen." This meant the expulsion of Jewish workers and managers, and the seizure of most of the Jewish ownership of companies for the benefit of non-Jewish Germans who bought at low prices set by the Nazis. Jewish doctors from the treatment and prevention of non-Jews, did not allow Jews to lawyers practice law.
Like everyone in Germany, he asked the Jews carry an identity card, but the government said the definition of signs of special cards: was add the letter "J" in red to the card, was also imposed a new name in the middle of the name of all the Jews who did not know automatically their name first on the that "Jew" - this name was the "Israel" for men and "Sara" for women. And it allowed those cards to the police identifying Jews easily.
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