Analysis of the people of the cave: the pre-reading / text frame the study.. title. Explanation of compressed words. Study the picture. His text. Author type. The formulation of the hypothesis

Study Title: people of the cave / additional installation (express), semantics; Mufrdtin explain:
- The people: the owners. - Cave: cave
What reminds you of this title? (Boys story which appeared in the Koran)
It cites pupil / teacher witness of verses: "Um calculated that the owners of the cave and the Inscription were of Our signs screamed. They housed the young to the cave they said, Lord give us from Thy mercy and prepare us from our rational. Vdharbna to their ears in the cave several years. Then Bosnahm to know any bipartisan counted because they remain even-lasting "Cave. Verses (
Explanation of compressed words. Can the title tells us that the author content?
Study image: kind: Panel synthetic, include a prominent picture of a woman and behind ghosts (described) and a group of persons (row external manifestations. What does that).
Is there a relationship between the Commonwealth title and the picture? what is it? Is it possible for an image that shows the contents of the author?
His text: Who is the Tawfiq al-Hakim (See a fourth him on the cover)? Mention / (Read the author of some of his) some of his?
Author type: Do you put on the front cover sex Author? How do you recognize it? Why Author classified within the play type? What that shows that? What is dialogue? What are its types? Mm play consist of? What is the scene?
The formulation of hypothesis: Select the thresholds contained in the first and fourth cover?
(Address, photo, name of the author, publishing house, drawing the author of the book, distribution house in Morocco)
What is the benefit of these thresholds? Is that really can lead us to the worlds of text / author?
Formulate a hypothesis which can be checked during the reading?
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