Education and Anthropology (Anthropology).. study of the social aspects of life and knowledge of nature and its components to reconstruct the history of societies or the history of civilization

The relationship between education and anthropology (Anthropology) document in terms of education that keeps this inheritance and revise and reinforce and Tbsth and transmitted by subsequent generations, generations and also learn how to adapt to the culture. In addition to that anthropology it aims to study the social aspects of life and knowledge of nature and its components to reconstruct the history of societies or the history of civilization, identifying the historical and cultural composition of the culture of what parameters and compare them with other cultures, societies, and here enters the educational relations and their role in all these processes.
The overall anthropological science, whether cultural, social or Veziqih focus on human study social or cultural object, Examines the forms of culture and structures of human societies, through the study of these initial communities, and to address the so-called patterns of primitive and education culture are the basic factors which must be taken into consideration when studying cultural development of any society of human societies.
And education is only a process, which provides the individual the ability to mismatch between the motives interior and exterior conditions stemming from certain cultural and social environment (this is what is studying Sociology of Education), and this is what focus anthropological human study of the cultural and physical point of view, is interested in the behavior of this man within a social framework cultural accumulated over the images.
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