Factors influencing the ideas of John Dewey.. principles underpinning the democratic life and values prevailing in American society and the characteristics and requirements of industrial society

Of these factors philosophers, scientists and educators who contact their thoughts George Morris, who was one of his professors in philosophy ideas, then a colleague in teaching at the University of Michigan. By this philosopher Dewey Learn idealism and philosophy Alhegelah before gradually much of the elements of this philosophy. But after you know, study the theory of evolution as explained by Charles Darwin (1809-1882), and Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895), and other supporters of this theory that prevailed in the second half of the nineteenth century-turning them preferring her to Alhegelah philosophy, because he found which is consistent with the scientific experimental inclinations. But his preference for the philosophy of Darwinism did not completely obliterate influenced by the philosophy that the modern ideal of the most prominent manifestations of philosophy Alhegelah. Influenced by the philosophy and shows the ideal beside influenced by the philosophy of Darwinism in the name given initially to his philosophy when it became his own specific philosophy. His philosophy has been named the "ideal experimental philosophy." The name carries with it the vulnerability of scientific philosophy realism together.
And it was also influenced by the ideas of "George Morris" and "Darwin" it is also influenced by the ideas of "Charles Pierce" and "William James," who had a credit for the establishment of doctrine pragmatic in the United States and the ideas of "Stanley Hall," and some ideas "Rosso" and "Bstalowczy ", and" Herbart, "and" Vrobl ", and other educators and psychologists modernists.
Besides influenced by the ideas of philosophers, scientists, educators and former upon his contemporaries were also affected by many other factors, including: the underlying principles of democratic life, and values ​​prevailing in American society, and the characteristics and requirements of the industrial society in which he lived.
I have been to all of these factors impact on the general philosophy and educational philosophy. And it will be clear to us some of the effects and manifestations of this effect in the group that discussed his ideas and beliefs of philosophical and educational.

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