John Dewey.. principles of pragmatism philosophy; like communication and cooperation between school and home and respect for students and their needs and their freedom to express themselves tendencies

John Dewey is one of the most prominent representatives of the founders of the movement or philosophy of pragmatism.
He was born in the city of Burelizn (Burlington) from Vermont (Vermont) in 1859, he received his primary education and secondary education in his hometown and was educated at the University of the university term. After completion of his education at the university of his mandate in 1879 he taught for a time in one of the provinces, and then he himself yearned to pursue graduate studies in the field of political philosophy and historical science. It has been able in a few years to get a doctorate in philosophy from Johns Hopkins University in 1884.
Once receiving a Dr. joined the "Micgen University" as a lecturer in philosophy. I have stayed at this university for a short period not to leave the University of "Minnesota" even invited in 1894 to head the Department of Philosophy at the University of Chigago. It has continued at the head of the philosophy department at the university until he moved in 1904 to the University "Columbia", and then continued in the Columbia University since that date until his retirement in 1930.
"Dewey" has won the super-famous philosopher thinker and a great educational reformer not only in the United States alone, but all over the world. This fame has pushed much of the developed countries to call for lecturing at universities and to help her organize her education. Vdath, for example, Japan in 1919 to lecture in philosophy at the "University of Tokyo property" and invited him to lecture China in Beijing University for two years, as the Turkish government invited him to help her organize her education. Dewey has been consistently in the scientific activity until he died in 1952.
Among the most prominent work in the field of education created the model for his school in the city of Chicago in 1896, Dewey has taken this typical elementary school field to experience his theories and opinions in progressive education. In 1902 this school of the College of Education at the University of Chicago brought together to be applied with an experimental school. Dewey has tried to evaluate the programs this school and managed on the principles of pragmatism philosophy of them should be communication and cooperation between school and home, and the necessity of pupils experiences of contact in the school and the administration on the principles of pragmatism philosophy, including the necessity of pupils in the school experiences of contact with their experience outside the school, and the necessity of making children They learn through experience and self-activity and the necessity of respect for the students and their needs and their freedom to express themselves tendencies, and the necessity of taking into account individual differences among students, and to consider education a social process, and focus on cooperation rather than competition, to other principles that were applied in this experimental school.
I have been to this school a major impact in the boot of progressive education that prevailed in America in the first half of the twentieth century, as it was her great credit to convince parents of the importance of educational principles progressive and applicability has encouraged Dewey his school this create many special progressive schools in multiple places in US United.
It can be added to its educational hundreds of articles and dozens of books on philosophy and education:
- The school and the community.
- The child and the curriculum.
- Democracy and Education.
- Experience and education.
- How I think.
- Human nature and education.
If Dewey has been known for its work and educational books Comerb of the greatest breeders this Alqrn- it may have been almost the same fame in the world of philosophy. It was the author of several books on philosophy and wrote hundreds of articles in it.
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