Natural theory in education.. individual is education and self-expression slogan is her ultimate goal. Education is the process of preparation for the present not the future

The Russo Raed (natural) doctrine and the author of its assets; the assets of that doctrine that the individual is the motto of Education, and that self-expression is the ultimate goal of her; and built a natural on this that the orthodoxy of education can only be achieved launch of complete freedom for children, and of the requirements of the Freedom that education is mixed, and that allows dancing, swimming, striptease and discuss issues of sex without reservation, while sexual problems Fterdja causes they claim to desire of parents who want to carry their children on the principles of religion and ethics rules! And also the right thing as they claim to be raising a child between the ages of five and thirteen negative, the child does not know anything, nor which raised any breeding, but leave it to nature, surrounded by devices and tools that will expand his mind. Natural and believes that education is the process of preparing for the present not the future, and it is wrong that they have sacrificed for the sake of the present uncertain future Mdhanon.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in an era when Europe lived era of authoritarianism canon allied with feudalism, an era when prevailed feudal social and rigid systems, which generated kinds of injustice and misery suffered by the poorer classes, France was consumed by internal conflicts, most notably an attempt bourgeoisie (middle new) freedom from authoritarian monarchy Representative for the Alliance of the clergy with feudalism.
These attempts at liberalization a number of thinkers and philosophers as the "Enlightenment" that she was looking forward to decode restrictions Thought control of tradition and superstition in a diverse trends and doctrines have fueled era.
His life: Born in 1712 in Geneva, Switzerland, the Swiss French father and mother died soon after birth, Rousseau has said in this regard in his book "Confessions" has cost my mother her life and was my birth is the misfortune in this life. "
Six years old and his father taught him to read and write, and read on the evening acouophone what his mother left him from the history books, novels and literature grew has a passion and love for imagination and love of freedom. He entered the school for a short time in the village of Buzi (Bossey) near Geneva, but that's just left.
Sixteen-year-old lived years of misery, homelessness and unemployment.
Nine-year-old Ms. de Learn and Arens (De Warnes) sponsored and sent him back to the school again and liked to read, and helped him find a job in a government department known species of these ten years of stability.
In thirty years of age, he left Geneva to Paris, where he was the Enlightenment owners spread their ideas of freedom, equality and justice, defines Rousseau to each other and holding charity of Diderot and Voltaire (Voltaire & Didero).
He won and received the award on search his books, entitled "article in the arts and sciences," and here a turning point to him where he wrote many articles and author of several books brought him fame and a curse the clergy and people of the verdict and ordered the authorities to burn his books and arrest him, then fled to Russia to be called British philosopher David Hume to stay in Britain, but soon returned to Paris, where he lived a life of misery until his death in 1778.
It is no secret these views error (natural) and Dilalha, and violation of common sense; The fact that in preparation for the present not the future of Education does not make sense; because the present and the future are connected to touch day and night, and because the social process, and individuals do not live Ostadta Kneptat ground in the desert of Education, the possible controversy preparation of the child for the present as a profile can not be achieved as a social, otherwise the educational process itself was not in vain futile. Meaning not as well as to launch a complete freedom for children as long as they gathered them one place and one time, but imagine the launch of complete freedom for one child, or children may scattered stranded, including the reasons! Meaning the end of the freedom of the individual and not when the freedom of others begins, but the absence of absolute freedom claimed by or called for in the natural, absolute freedom, if any, her end is transforming society as a whole to the hotbeds of corruption and corrupt. To say that education is intended to spoil the good nature of the child .. control without evidence, and if the young as natural school assumes the angels did not keep the graduates of the school of natural Anagaihm? Did they not be the one who others influential people, as are senior adults ?! But the right thing as he said (Manaawi) in explaining the modern instinct that Bukhari: "... that man crated preparedness of Islam strongly, but it must be already learned; it is God forbid being of the people of happiness God sent him to teach him the way of guidance became polite Indeed, it is let down and Ohqah caused him to change his nature and commends determination. " The acquisition of knowledge is not subject to an approach to learning as alleged natural, and only then when every child acquires itself that the cumulative amount of the tremendous knowledge and experience gathered by mankind through the ages? The launch of freedoms as pornographic, and the introduction of co-education, and the legalization of striptease for whoever wants of students there is no doubt that this is the same culprit in the production problems and promotion, and can not be the principles of religion and the rules of ethics is causing it, do not, even if the debt is distorted Western religion, and morality perverted Kokhalagahm! It is known that the sexual instinct does not arise on its own, but a must-have dramatically raised; was intended to raise folly and delusion opinion, have been frequent evidence and proven facts that the consequence of that can only be sedition big and corruption, and see see that the largest proportion of psychiatrists in the world were gathered in the (Hollywood) city of the American film industry and pornography, and that Sweden Her prized in sexual freedom is the world's most populous emerging problems of that freedom, and that these problems circle has widened in which to include adultery girls, sisters, mothers .. The statistics may be counted in the early fifties of this century in England alone more than half a million children of the children of adultery; How become the number in England and her sisters-European, has become atheist and on the threshold of the twentieth century?
Both he has the patience to read «Emile» whole - and not through some Ala_i_hadat- knows that this book talks about all that matters of philosophy in the eighteenth century, and that «Emile» is not what Ootaid to be called «book in educational theory», in spite of This well-established reputation. This article seeks great humility that shed some doubts on the basis of this reputation.
To note that the «Emile» rating among wrote educational theories was late. It was stated, during the revolution, Mirabeau and Talleyrand Talleyrand and Kondorjsh Condorcet and Father Gregoire L'abbe Grégoire several times during the discussions about the school, while Russo rarely entered the National Assembly, and when Robespierre intervene personally in the discussions, it was not in order to pay tribute Bnmozjh led by tears Abanntyon to, but in order to propose a text printed after the death of his neighbor, Billeteh de Sanfarju Lepelletier de Saint Fargeau. The references to Rousseau has been limited to text on Bologna. The statements which pays tribute to «writer Emile immortal, which often remember, they do not refer only to Rousseau monument past and not as a source of inspiration. Emil did not find great educational status, but with the establishment of the Republic of compulsory secular school.
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