Relationship education psychology.. attention of educators and educational psychologists problems such as educational practices, Kaltalm, motivation, educational guidance, school achievement and measurement and evaluation

The education is affected and affect the results of other sciences, and will limit ourselves about the relationship between education and the knowledge of General Psychology psychology and educational psychology private growth.
And start asked the following question: What income for education to psychology?
It can be said that the meeting between the field of education and psychology is a field. The psychology is the study of the psychological experience, and requested from different motives in order to crystallize a behavior, the tendency, usually, Vchksah.
Whereas education are also trying to deal with human beings in terms of is a potential innate psychological physical and others to be his best to adapt to the natural environment, social ... etc., can not adapt only on the basis of environmental substantive assistance provided to him by other adults in order to protect him from errors and encourage mental and motor abilities and help him to experience which crystallized his character, Education is concerned with these things, it is not human to take advantage of the fruits of grandparents, parents and all the human generations, but to contribute is also in the humanitarian effort in the cultural building comprehensive sense.
And the breeder can not know the needs of the jam, but his knowledge. We also find psychology is trying to give us correct information, what is the amount of information provided by the psychology that? The education you need to every human sciences with a difference in the way. And education based on religion so that derives its concepts and concepts of human religion, as it depends on philosophy and derive concepts and the concepts of human ones.
The field of education is the crossroads, the reach of all-Rawabi Al Rawabi Almarafh- because education Kalaamod spine, so, we note that everything that has to do with culture and civilization has to do with education.
The interest in education, accompanied by a huge development in the field of educational psychology, the educational psychology addresses the concern for the individual in the educational positions.
And it has taken care of educators and educational psychologists problems such as educational practices, Kaltalm, motivation, educational guidance, school achievement and measurement and evaluation.
The Educational Psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the application of the principles of psychology and theories and research methods in its own field of education and teaching, education and training, and shows the problems and phenomena need to study or treatment or solutions. The aim of this branch of all this to the upgrading of educational or teaching process more return and less expensive and better and make it a success.
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