The principles of natural education when Rousseau.. child to work and engage in experimentation labs and create awareness of the phenomena and the abolition of the educational system based on the highest authority

The principles of natural education when Rousseau:
1. faith in the innocence of a child, a confirmation of his belief Bjerih human nature, it is noteworthy that the Son of Man sin.
2 - upgrade the value of nature: Human Nature learn from what he needs, and proper education is to walk according to its laws.
3 - the principle of freedom: Leave the child manages his command holds himself to think and discover the concepts and facts, the educator that creates a dilemma for the child and then leaves him freedom to break the impasse, and this firm are automatic learning process.
4 - the principle of negative education: no not know the child something not required to learn, he left his freedom of movement, friction and the discovery of practical experience and stay away from lessons verbal and says: "We should not teach a child lessons verbal, Experience alone is that you should take educated and disciplined.
5 - the principle of the child is the focus of education: any treatment of the child as a child is not an adult, and that the inclinations and characteristics and needs of present and interests should be the center of the educational process is not the wishes and aspirations of adults.
The owners of this doctrine care about the nature of the child and the basis of the education they have is not to prepare for the future, where Rousseau says: "The nature requires them to be children before they become men and the breeders that do not carry the child what not power it, and only lived a miserable"
Hence, they have limited the role of educator in the child's development Note natural growth and create opportunities and favorable conditions for the growth and emphasis on the child's experience and inclinations.
Any involvement of the child in the work and experimentation in the laboratory .. and to create awareness of the phenomena and the abolition of the educational system based on the highest authority.
Returning to the educational policies in our country, we find that, in theory, the organizers of the educational process believe that these earlier theories whole complement other.
In practice, I think they did not take these theories .. This appears clear to us quickly given the disappointing results reached by the reality of teaching and learning.
Otherwise we could see the same successes achieved by schools in France or the United States .. or any other country.
 If we have not seen in our schools .. perfect starting the establishment of a decent school buildings in terms of availability of health conditions and taking into account the availability of playgrounds and various activities conducted and the end of the issue of absorption and crowded rows that makes it imperative that the police do not become a teacher educator.
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