is highlighted products with a view to the selection and definition of product, the new center of the rest of the alternative products, competition and discrimination, a concept or the term includes all methods and tools and means to distinguish the product except for the cover and the circumstances distinctive or obvious in the form of the product and combines discrimination brand name and brand in addition to the logo.
And consists of the trade name of the product of a word or a character made up the brand of the product of a fee or a certain form, may take the brand name form of the brand when it is put a brand name in the form of drawing or configure decorative certain I knew the brand by the National Institute of Industrial Property is a characteristic that allows person's physical or mental Highlight products or substances found in his shop or his services.
The logo consists of a word or phrase, and in any case lost the product used the same brand name and the same brand and same logo on all its products and does not change them only when necessary marketing pressing for it.
Economic policy