continue Horizontal.. the strength of the way response achieved between the teacher on the one hand and between individuals of the recipients

continue Horizontal Is the strength of the way response achieved between the teacher on the one hand and between individuals of the recipients on the other hand so that the professor works on the distribution of moments of communication between him and the largest possible number of his disciples, but it always remains is the liquid to deceive the student's quota is for the respondent. However, it is imperative to draw attention to some of the caveats surrounding this type of communication, although the value of questioning pedagogy it may turn into a kind of communication vertical, and indoctrination disguised way, when only the teacher asked one answer dispose of them to write on the blackboard a few sentences or a few lines.
Therefore, interrogation and in order to be a tool to continue to be horizontal true that the professor is keen on providing the following conditions and guarantees for the revitalization of the lesson:
A. And the dismantling of meanings not only with bullets and phrases and vague generalities.
B. Indivisible interdependence of questions and ensure a reasonable sense as to include
C. Listening to the students and get them to diversify their answers and extraction of their ideas and perceptions.
D. Not just one answer if it is correct.
E. Keenness on giving priority to information on oral information is written so as not to overburden his disciples frequently transport and write Faaugahm for mental activity and the active participation and practice real communication.

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