Central Administration of the Ministry of National Education.. preparing and implementing government policy in the field of secondary and technical education

Subject to structural organization of the Ministry of National Education with the requirements of Decree No. 2.96.956 of February 4, 1998, which mandated with the task of preparing and implementing government policy in the field of primary education and primary and secondary education as well as monitoring the state to private education,
As is also entrusted with the task of preparing the government's policy in the field of education for all schoolchildren is for children or dropouts .
This, and includes the structural organization of the ministry in addition to the Office of the Minister to write general and the Inspectorate General and 14 Directorate of central are: the Curriculum Directorate and the Directorate of educational work and the Directorate of educational support and the Directorate of Non-Formal Education and the Directorate of Sports School and the Directorate of Strategic Studies and Planning and the Directorate of evaluating the educational system and the Directorate of Human Resources and the Directorate of buildings and equipment and the Directorate of Administrative Affairs and General Directorate of cooperation and promote private education and the Directorate of Allatrkiz organization and informatics and the Directorate of Budget and Management Control and the Directorate of Legal Affairs and disputes, and the Department of Communication, noting that each directorate include central to many of the sections and interests.
Following the appointment of government alternating harmonic 1998, the creation of the Ministry Delegate of the Ministry of National Education in charge of secondary education and technical, by virtue of the Dahir No. 1.98.38 of 17 than November 1418 (March 16, 1998) to appoint members of the Government, where he was the organization of this sector under Decree No. 2.99.924 of December 3, 1999 and assigned him the task of preparing and implementing government policy in the field of secondary and technical education, as well as ensure the control of private education institutions.
These include the Ministry, in addition to the Office of the Minister to centralized management and outside interests. And includes the Central Administration write four directorates general and the Directorate of Studies and educational strategies and the Directorate of high schools and the Directorate of Training and Human Resources and the Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs and the Department of the partnership.
It should be noted, that, following the government reshuffle of 2000 and Decree No. 2.00.906 of October 16, 2000 on the functions of the Minister of National Education, the rehabilitation of the latter to exercise the functions assigned to the Minister of National Education and the Minister in charge of secondary education and technical, as well as the exercise of power structures updated under Decree No. 2.96.956 of February 4, 1998 and No. 2.99.924 of December 3, 1999 cited above.
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