external interests of the Ministry of National Education.. interest of human resources and the interests of planning and the interest of educational matters and stimulate educational institutions

Dedicated to the principle of Allatrkiz administrative support of the Ministry of National Education, the management of education at the regional level, regional and local regional academies of education and training and prosecutors, as well as the institutions of education and training.
In this regard, under Law No. 00-07, creation of regional academies of education and training in the form of a public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy, entrusted with the limits of its sphere of influence-Turabi, the task of the application of educational policy and vocational training taking into account the priorities and national goals specified born governmental authority commandment. this, and academic affairs are managed by a board composed of representatives of concerned departments in addition to several events, with the possibility of a committee in coordination with the cost of higher education and other coordination with the vocational training sector and the special committee Ba for Finance and economic development.
As for the Bnaabat ministry, are created in each region or employment in the Kingdom under the Decree No. 2.75.674 on October 17, 1975 the creation of Prosecutions of the Ministry of primary and secondary education and to identify cases of Deputies, also organized the decision of the Minister of National Education No. 1192.99 issued on August 5, 1999 on the determination of terms of reference and organization of prosecutors and the Ministry of National Education.
Under the first article of this resolution, shall prosecutors generally contribute to the development and application of the Ministry's policy in the field of primary education and primary and secondary education through the development and implementation of projects emanating from the plans and national trends identified by the Ministry of National Education to take account of national and regional particularities.
And classifies this decision, prosecutors ministry by the number of pupils and frameworks of education, to prosecutors available to between 5 and interests and the interests of one, is in the interest of human resources and the interests of planning and the interest of educational matters and stimulate educational institutions and the interest of administrative and financial affairs and the interests of buildings and equipment and property.
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