Technology 1.2 0.4 0.8 0.16.. performing collective authoring by asking each group

- required to submit a full section
- lasts five minutes of self-reflection
- impact of the written requirement, because it is technology based on the gradual construction of learning
- timing of the stages of completion:
· Students then go out to work two and two: each with his neighbor, with the necessity of forming Ajaptehma in eight minutes
· Then passing to a quad where composing replies to the previous two in ten minutes
· Then pass to the group of eight to be the same for fifteen minutes
- performing collective authoring by asking each group (four or eight depending on the time, who chose to stop when Mr. process) to record the final completion on the board. Because this stage may be long, it is best to distribute large sheets of paper (or transparencies when there are opposed) on the final groups to record the final outcome of their work in a clear manner. And last the authoring process of collective ten minutes.
- request the registration of students writing professor and the fix has been enriched, to be an act of an individual Tdeima.
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