- The core values of modern methods (Roads active):
- Auto-generate interest among students, in order to have motivation in each activity
- Respect for freedom of creativity and initiative among students
- Given the psychological and social elements in the development of people is worthy of consideration
In the framework of these values descends to talk about pedagogy groups.
- Means the "pedagogy of groups," those relating to groups of pupils do not amount to configure the section in the ordinary sense of the word. The stems of these groups, whether by dividing the section into a number of small parts, or by the inclusion of students do not usually belong to the same section.
Requires pedagogy "groups" put students in the "positions" building self-knowledge, by making it active and effective in the learning process. In other words, they try to jump-start from "reality," the student, and reality, as required by the provision of a range of mechanisms as "problem situations" and "learning clips" that ensures diversity in the answers fit the many differences between pupils.
- Students work in groups mean by "Philip Mario" put students in a state of collective learning, because learning is not just for the information received (10 % Only learn to listen well soon), but also, importantly, address the information to possess.
- Studies have shown that when two sets are available in the same conditions so that only differ in the way of work, the children who work collectively to achieve greater progress achieved by individual workers. It is not the reason for that is following the example of each other, but the difference in the views of individuals are forced to reorganize their approaches knowledge, and thus produce a dynamic teamwork cognitive progress individually. The issue in accordance with this proposal, take the "social nature in the first place", Because each one will try to prove his point in front of the other hence the term "social cognitive conflict" (Conflit socio-cognitif ). And derive the attitudes and spirit of the statements of two trends two grounds:
o Model "Piaget" (Piaget ), Who believes that the process of building intelligence assumes a kind of adaptive loss of balance: because when we defy the facts we need to review Keviatna to think and act.
o Many research and studies Altjeribbah completed in the late fifties Rehab social psychology to explore the role of social conflict in the formation of autocracy. And strengthened by the writings of Russian psychologist "LevS. Vygotsky "And that were not translated into English until the end of the seventies, and in some says," In our perception, the real trend of thinking, do not walk from the individual to the collective, but from the collective to the individual. "
It is the most important books that sought to spread this concept "La construction de l'intelligence dans l'interaction sociale".
- "Group" space for students to familiarize decision-making, and therefore space to take responsibility and to guide the self. The Group provides the mechanism by which the efforts of everyone involved in research and innovation, and thus become a "system" capable of activating the potential and adjusted in the same time.