presentation skills.. approach the presentation of the activities of writing the story to identify the elements of art, And guide the learner to rely on his skills in the description

As for the presentation skills - except enough grammatical and spelling - was the highest level of educated people who do not have the knowledge and skills adequate presented by the curriculum as well as their application and practice, perhaps due to the fact that the learner generally return indoctrination was not accustomed to such a novelty in the offer. Is assumed to be the presentation of curriculum competencies commensurate with the level of learner's intellectual and cognitive.

This did not happen, at least when the literature display a presentation quickly and signed by the student after three weeks to write an analytical study of the text describes the literary and art built by the moral, cultural, rhetorical, and the balance between the texts.

How could this empty mind of the learner who does not have stock of this knowledge?

He did not study at all aware of the meanings is not aware Badi not aware of the statement, did not look at the privacy of the literary text reader and tools that include: lexical knowledge and the ability to call the meanings and suggestive shadows associated Bamufrdh.

And grammatical knowledge. Knowledge and rhetorical sentence in terms of systems, music and verbal art photography.

And culture, which includes the culture of the literary text and the culture of literature, literature and briefings associated with the literary text.

With the approach between the How to analyze literary text at the third level, And was supposed to be in the second level.

And raising the issue of analytical and interpretive reading at the third level And should Tagelely fourth level after the learner has the tools of analysis and criticism according to the training curriculum, and so plans were somewhat fanciful approach is expected of the student in a period of three weeks To write stories of good technical construction, and describes the Scenes and events and personalities and accurate description, and to write his memoirs, personal, and I do not think this phrase is achieved in this period, Creative Writing training needs are connected to this end.

1- Moreover, the approach may offer only generalities when he mentioned methods Order description from general to specific and particular to the general and spatial sequence, and these generalities need to educate and train, but the curriculum written contract with the teacher from the beginning that does not explain Alj and leaves the student in training alone, with some instructions.

2- only approach in the presentation of the activities of writing the story to identify the elements of art, And guide the learner to rely on his skills in the description.

3- adopted the approach in his presentation the adequacy of oral communication On the one training, and was supposed to be developed sufficiently in this training module.

As if this communication is restricted to the unit without the other, and this sign when the separation of materials, there are high walls between each of adequacy.
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