أنواع البنوك الالكترونية ومحتوى الخدمات الموافقة لكل نمط منها:
تسليم أو إيصال المعلومات:
Information delivery
interactivity level
Advanced interactivity level
Electronic brochure
Intermediary level of interactivity
Use customizing resources
Promotional information
Report downloads
Some subscription option
Ways for contact the bank
Recruitment forms
Special offer announcements
Hot links to other sites
Discussion groups.
استخدام الويب من طرف البنوك لتحسين العلاقة مع العملاء:
Banks use the Web to improve relationship with
Basic interactivity level
Intermediary interactivity level
The advanced level of interactivity
e-mail and forms are the ways a client has to make
suggestions and complains
advising tools (as calculators, for example)
More advanced technologies, such as videoconference,
الويب هو وسيلة للمعاملات الأكثر شيوعًا:
The Web is a vehicle for the most common transactions
Lowest level of interactivity
Intermediary interactivity level
Advanced level of interactivity
Opening accounts
A client can have access for information on accounts
through balance and statement
Promoting the use of some e-cash as a way to develop
transactions through the Web.
Requesting products and services.
Fund transfer
Card requests
Bill payments
Investment and credit applications
Client has to have some access to the bank database
بنوك الكترونية