Avoid common mistakes in the world of buying cars.. Do not accept the price attached to the car. Not affected by advertising advertising. Search for safety and security in the car

How to avoid the common mistakes in the world of buying cars?

1. Examine the car and compare it with other types in different exhibitions.
2. Not to be influenced by advertising advertising because it shows cars unrealistically influenced by the buyer and rushing to choose.
3. Failure to accept the price attached to the car as it may not be the real price there is room for negotiation.
4. Avoid falling into the trap of the seller by distracting the mind of the buyer and drawing his attention to the monthly premium and disregard of attention to the total price.
5. Search for safety and security in the car.
6. Search for the services provided by the company after the sale, such as insurance and warranty.
7. Avoid falling into the trap of losing when you sell your old car to the same showroom where you will buy a new car.
8. The seller turns the buyer's focus to lowering the price of the new purchase without paying attention to the old selling price.

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