The causes of loss of nationality in Canada.. a person born outside of Riyat doubles and a woman married to a non-Canadian and her children and everyone got another nationality

Of the causes of loss of nationality by law in 1947:

1- The father of the individual for the nationality of another state when the individual is still a kid.

2- person born outside Canada was not present in Canada when completed the age of 21.

3- bride war normalization of Canadian citizenship process did not take place.

4- Sons of the bride war normalization of Canadian citizenship process did not take place.

5- member of the second generation Canadian born outside of Canada, Canadian nationality have not been claimed before the age of 28.

6- "child Borders" is not registered. Any sons and religion Canadians were born in a hospital in the United States has not registered in Canada.

7- In some cases where the relationship with Canada is the part of the mother.

8- person born outside of Riyat doubles.

9- "Naughty war" any children born to a Canadian serving in the military outside of Canada.

10- a woman married to a non-Canadian in 1947 before.

11- sons of a woman married to a non-Canadian in 1947 before.

12- Anyone got another nationality before 1977.

Often, these people do not know they have lost citizenship only when applying for retirement or get medical attention.

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