Asian cat.. Medium sized cats have different colors and patterns

The Asian, also called Asian, is a breed of cat originating in England.
This medium-sized cat is a variety of the English Burmese which has different coats and patterns from the mink but having the same physique.
It comes from the burmilla breeding program led by Baroness Miranda von Kirchberg.

Breeding of the breed began by accident in England in 1981 when, unbeknownst to their mistress Baroness Miranda von Kirchberg, a European Burmese and a Persian chinchilla had a litter of Burmese-looking kittens but chinchilla color.

The beauty of the kittens prompted the Baroness to start a breeding program for silver Burmese and created the Burmilla breed.
From this breeding program were born many kittens whose color was not that of the chinchilla or whose coat had long hairs, which gave birth to the Asian and Tiffanie breeds respectively.

Asian is recognized by the following federations: GCCF3, LOOF4 and WCF5.
The LOOF judges the Asian, the Burmilla and the Tiffany on the same standard, these races being different only by the color or the length of the hair.
The WCF standard adds the remark that Asian is of Burmese type.

The Asian is a medium-sized cat of semi-foreign type, muscular but elegant.
The legs are slender and proportionate to the body with the hindquarters slightly higher than the forelegs.
At the end, the feet are oval.
The tail is of medium length, with a rounded tip.

The head is medium in size but quite high, between the chin and the top of the skull.
From the front, it forms a short triangle which tapers towards the rounded muzzle.
The top of the skull is broad, domed and the forehead rounded.

The nose is marked by a stop and ends straight.
The medium-sized ears are set well apart on the skull.
They are wide at the base and rounded at the tip.
In profile, they point forward.
The eyes are large, expressive and set well apart.

The underside of the eye is rounded, while the top is straight and leans slightly towards the nose.
Colors between yellow and green are accepted.
The LOOF specifies that gold-colored eyes are preferred in solid cats and green eyes for silver-haired cats.

The fur is short, almost without undercoat.
It should also be thin, shiny and lying well on the body.
All traditional patterns are accepted, as well as tabby markings.

All colors are accepted for WCF, but LOOF does not recognize the plain white color.
The uni black Asian is called "bombay" by the GCCF and should not be confused with the bombay breed.
Asian chinchillas and smoke are considered burmillas.

Marriages are permitted with the English Burmese and the Burmilla.

The character traits remain perfectly individual and depend on the history of each cat; however, Asians are considered by Dr. Brice Fogle to be "more relaxed than Burmese and more sociable than Persian", they would also like company.
The LOOF finds on the contrary that the asians have a character identical to the burmese.

The Asian is regularly subjected to these health concerns:
- Retinal atrophy.
- Hypokalaemia.
- Polycystic kidney disease.
His life expectancy is fifteen years.
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