European shorthair cat.. One of the oldest cat breeds of European or Middle Eastern origin

The European Shorthair, also called European or Celtic Shorthair, is a breed of cat originating in Europe, ennobled representative of the common cats of Europe.
This role had been held since the beginning of the 20th century by the British Shorthair, although it is stockier than most common European cats, until 1983 when the European Shorthair was recognized by the International Feline Federation.

The standard of the European Shorthair insists on the fact that it must not resemble any race and keep the robust and agile character of the house cats of European homes.

The physical characteristics of the breed are therefore balanced: the size is average, the morphology does not present exaggerated characteristics, the colors of the dress are the traditional colors.

The breed is popular in Scandinavian countries which appreciate its natural breed character, never polluted by crossbreeding with other breeds.
In the rest of Europe, the European Shorthair is a rare breed, very often confused with the alley cat.

In the United States and the United Kingdom, the breed faces competition from the British Shorthair and the American Shorthair and has not been recognized by any federation of these countries.

The breed was created over time without human intervention to "build" its character and its physiognomy.

It is a rustic cat which must not resemble any other race. The good subject of reproduction does not present any similarity with an existing race, and must keep the “robust and flexible” character of the domestic cat of Europe.

Breed resemblance is considered an eliminatory fault in show.
Some alley cats look just like the European Shorthair; however, careful observation based on the criteria described in the standards allows them to be differentiated.

The body, of semi-foreign medioline type, is medium to large in size. The LOOF specifies that the body fits in a rectangle.
The muscles are powerful and the bones strong; the muscular and supple neckline is medium in size.

The size difference between male and female is pronounced.
The chest of the European is broad and strong, as are its legs, while it has round feet.
Its tail is of medium length, wider at the base and with a rounded tip.

Coat and fur:
The coat is short, lustrous and dense, without excessive undercoat (no woolly coat).
The coats accepted are those usually found in common European cats.
All colors are accepted except chocolate, cinnamon (cinnamon), lilac and fawn.

Colorpoint, mink and sepia subjects are prohibited, which however leaves a wide range of patterns: tabby in all its variations (mackerel - tabby, spotted - spotted and marbled - marbled), solid (uni), two-tone, smoke and silver.
For the LOOF, only two-tone dresses accept white medallions.

The tabby coat is the most widely distributed.
The most common colors for this coat type are silver tabby (black markings on gray background), brown tabby (black markings on brown background) and red tabby (dark red markings on light red).
For solid and smoke patterns, black is the most popular color.

The head appears rounded in shape but is longer than wide, with well developed cheeks. The forehead is slightly rounded.
The muzzle is strong, without pinch.

The nose is straight and of equal width throughout its length; in profile, there is no stop sign: the change of direction is slight.
The medium sized ears are slightly rounded, set well apart.
The height of the ear corresponds to its width at the base.

The Fifé and WCF standards explicitly admit plumes at the end of the ears.
The eyes are round and slightly oblique.
The color of the iris goes from orange to green through yellow, it must be uniform and shiny, preferably in line with the dress.
The blue color and the minnow are accepted for white and bicolor cats only.

The temperament is above all a function of their habit and the history of each cat.
Character traits are not described in the standards and are personality traits generally seen in the breed.

The European Shorthair is described as an independent cat, which does not require much attention, but knows how to remain affectionate and sociable both with humans and with other animals.

His character is balanced, neither too talkative nor too calm.
Its hunting and climbing qualities are underlined, as well as its hardiness.
He is described as intelligent, astute with great adaptability.

The European Shorthair would suit a family or a single person who loves cats with an affectionate and independent character.
Also, this breed of cat likes to hunt insects and small animals.

Breeding Associations:
Breeding associations are different from breeding registries, which record the pedigree of cat breeds.
Typically, breeders' associations aim to bring breeders together to promote the breeding of a breed.

In Sweden, the Européringen was created in 1967 in Surahammar by a group of enthusiasts.
Originally dedicated to the European Shorthair and the Manx, the association refocused solely on the European in the 1990.

The association publishes a magazine devoted to the European Shorthair four times a year, offers seminars on cat breeding and promotes the breed through exhibitions.

In Finland, the Finnish European Shorthair Cat Club (SER-FER) was founded in October 1987.
It publishes a magazine four times a year and connects breeders through cat shows organized by the club and mutual aid between breeders, particularly for the acquisition of kittens.

In France, the Circle of Friends of the European Shorthair Race (CARES) was created in December 2007.
The purpose of the association is above all to bring together the few breeders of the breed to make it known to the general public and professionals.

Health and maintenance:
Longevity is estimated at twelve years and more.
The European Shorthair is a sturdy cat that requires little maintenance.
Its fur should be brushed once a week.

Raising this breed is easy, with the mother taking good care of the kittens.

Links with other breeds:
The European Shorthair, because of its origins, is considered the ancestor of many cat breeds.
The American Shorthair and British Shorthair breeds are cited for their similar development.

The marriages of the European Shorthair with the German Rex and the Munchkin, two breeds whose morphology must be close to the European Shorthair, are authorized by the LOOF.
Crosses to improve the ural rex breed were allowed by the WCF until 2011.
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