The Exotic Shorthair, a short-haired cat, is considered a modified version of the Persian cat and is distinguished by the same flat face and short, sharp voice, but the thick skin, with thick, short hair, giving it the sight of a teddy bear that children play with.
This cat inherited a very calm personality from his ancestors, but modern mating programs, which were conducted about twenty years ago, led to the emergence of new, more active and curious breeds.
Some types of this breed of cats were crossed, by breeding the Burmese cat or the British or American short-haired cat.
Even the Russian blue cat was used by some breeders in cross-breeding in order to establish the characteristic of short hair, but the only recognized hybrid is the Persian of origin. This dynasty was actually recognized in 1967.
This cat is almost unheard of, and it is an ideal cat that can be considered a calm, gentle, peaceful, loyal and loyal companion.
He lives an easy life, does not stress himself in anything and does not seem to be bothered by anything. And he is very tender, and if he hopes for something from his companion, he does so without urgency, and he sits in front of him and looks into his eyes.
He follows his owner from one place to another to be by his side. On the other hand, it is a fun cat that loves to play, just like other breeds.
The male is generally more gentle and gentle than the female, who may seem a bit reticent; She always seems to be preoccupied with more important things than cuddling or petting her owner.
This type of cat grows relatively slowly compared to other breeds.
It is noteworthy that this cat may be exposed to the same diseases as the Persian cat, the most important of which is the asymmetric jaw, which affects the cat in eating and biting, and may also lead to dental health problems.
Other diseases include sinus problems, tear ducts, and eye diseases.
These diseases are widespread between the Persian and Siamese cats, and they do not have a genetic cause, but are a result of the large size of the eye and the increase in the area exposed to the outside atmosphere.
cat breeds