The Himalayan, also called colorpoint or colorpoint (US), is a breed of cat originating in the United States.
In some European countries, this breed does not exist and is considered a dress of the Persian.
The Himalayan is a colourpoint Persian.
These Persians are in turn called Himalayans, colorpoint or “Malaysian Persian”.
Apart from his dress, he is in every way similar to the Persian.
The name refers to a breed of domestic rabbit that features an identical coat.
Colorpoint Persians are the fruit of research on the Siamese gene.
This research was carried out in the United States and Sweden between 1924 and 1930.
From this research was born “Debutante”, the first cat with long hair and Siamese dress.
Subsequently, other programs were conducted in France and it was in 1935 that “Khmer” type cats appeared.
But this new breed was abandoned in 1955 because it was too oriental.
The true colorpoint Persian was created by breeding programs started in 1947 in Great Britain and the United States: it was a cross between a Siamese with semi-long hair and black and blue Persians.
It was finally in 1955 that the breed was recognized in England and in 1957 in the United States.
It wasn't until 1958 that the colourpoint won first prize for best long-haired cat.
The first colors obtained were seal point (black or very dark brown markings), chocolate point, blue point and lilac point, then other colors quickly followed such as cream, tortoiseshell, red or tabby.
Shaded and smoke varieties also exist.
Colorpoint Persians always have blue eyes: this physical characteristic is associated with the gene that gives the colorpoint type coat to the cat.
First listed as a breed by the Cat Fancier Association (CFA), the Himalayan was included in the Persian breed as an additional division in the 1980s.
It is still considered a breed by some federations like ACFA, TICA and WCF.
The Himalayan is very successful on the North American continent but remains more discreet in Europe.
Like all Persians of his origin, the Himalayan is round, massive and short on legs.
His back is straight, his frame massive and an equal thickness at the level of the shoulders and hips.
The legs are short but strong, in particular by the powerful framework.
The feet are round and large, the toes should be set well together.
The ACFA specifies that there should be five toes in front and four in back.
The tail is short, but remaining proportionate to the body. She is carried straight.
The head of the Himalayan is typical: round and massive.
The jaws are powerful, the cheeks are full and prominent.
If you look at the cat in profile, the forehead, nose and chin should line up on the same vertical line.
The nose is as wide as it is long with a marked stop.
Ideally, the stop should be higher than the middle of the eye so that the top of the nose leather is at that same height.
The eyes are large and round and give an impression of sweetness.
They should always be the most intense blue possible.
As for the ears, they are small, rounded and not very open at their base.
They should not lie too close together on the head.
The coat of the Himalayan is long and shiny with a thick undercoat giving volume.
It is of equal length all over the body with however an imposing collar.
The coat is always colourpoint and all colors are accepted, as well as tabby markings (known as "lynx point") and tortoiseshell tips (tortie point).
This breed is also particularly affected by polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a genetic disease affecting the kidneys.
A DNA screening test exists in order to avoid any reproduction of a cat affected by this disease.
Because of his snub nose, his eyes and nose are particularly fragile, which are best cleaned regularly.
The long coat also poses problems with hair ingestion and knots which can be painful.
This breed therefore requires special attention.
It is generally said that Himalayans are calm and gentle cats, ideal for apartment living.
The Siamese blood heritage, however, would make it a slightly more active breed than its Persian cousin.
However, these character traits remain perfectly individual and depend on the individual's history.
The Himalayan in art:
A Himalayan plays the role of Sassy in the film The Incredible Journey (1993) and in its sequel The Incredible Journey 2: To San Francisco (1996).
He is also a Himalayan who plays the role of Mr. Jinx in the films My Stepfather and Me (2000) and its sequel My Stepfather, My Parents and Me (2004).
cat breeds